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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Allocator Benchmark

The graph I made from the benchmarks is here. Each point represents the average of all allocations of that size.

The test consisted of 7.5 million memory allocations (actually, Hoard only did 2.25 allocations, as that's all I could get it to do before crashing), of sizes ranging from 1 byte to 512 bytes; the total allocation size was generally around 400 MB (although this is a bit misleading, as explained later). A size was chosen randomly from that range, using a PRNG with a constant seed (to ensure reproducibility), and allocated with the corresponding function, each call benchmarked with the Pentium cycle counter instructions. Allocations were grouped into batches of 250, which were executed in real-time priority class (in other words, no thread time-slicing), with the thread sleeping after each batch (to prevent starvation of other threads). For the special case of SMemAlloc, the tag string of "BlubberyKaity" (an inside joke) was used, which I thought was a realistic length for the hashing function to chew on.

Approximately every 256 allocations, a purge was performed. Purges consisted of the freeing of 40% (this exact number is higher than I originally intended to use; it was used to prevent running out of physical memory on the test computer, while keeping the number of allocations the same) of the currently allocated blocks, chosen randomly. This was done as a crude attempt to simulate how memory freeing is often done in batches, after the completion of some task that required memory allocations.

At the moment the final memory allocated numbers are misleading, as they are the virtual memory space used at the end of the program run. This would naturally include the memory allocated for the trees used to hold the list of memory allocations (for frees and statistic gathering), and I would imagine they'd take up at least half that number.

HeapAlloc demonstrates a roughly O(log N) curve (where N is the allocation size). HeapAlloc, when using the low-fragmentation heap option, displays approximately O(1) complexity. The Hoard curve has a rather peculiar shape, and it's difficult to characterize it before around N = 280, where it seems to adopt a O(log N) shape. By far the strangest is SMemAlloc. From approximately N = 40 to 240, it seems to have a roughly O(1) shape, with a notable amount of inconsistency, despite very clear clustering. It appears that, for N = 0 to 40 and N = 240+, I takes on a O(x^N) shape (this is definitely true for the latter case, although the former range is fairly small to draw conclusions from).

It's also noteworthy to point out that Hoard worked a bit differently than the other allocators. Save for Hoard, all of them operated on private heaps (heaps that didn't have the allocation tracking stuff allocated from them). In the case of Hoard, I was only able to get it to work by letting it hook malloc and new (what it does by default). Consequently, all allocations, even ones not part of the test, were performed using Hoard. I don't know whether this may have biased the results, or in which direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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